Thursday, June 15, 2017

A Daily Battle

My health has been a daily battle for quite some time.  Over 20 years ago, a well-meaning doctor put me on fen-phen, birth control pills and allergy medicine all at the same time.  Within a month, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure.  When we decided to have one more child at age 36, I developed gestational diabetes, which then a few years later led to a type 2 diagnosis.  (It may have been related as much to genetics, inactivity, and obesity if I'm being totally truthful.) 

Also, because of my high blood pressure and age, I could not go back on birth control.  I said I needed it because of mood swings, which I thought were hormonal.  The kind doctor then prescribed an antidepressant.  Fast forward a couple years to having pressure in my chest and the first of three stress tests.  The doctor said maybe I should see a psychologist because there was nothing physically wrong.  After several meetings with her, medication has been adjusted and I have a diagnosis of some sort that explains many behaviors and I live a pretty "even" mental existence.  I still keep thinking I should be able to handle things without medication, even though I have seen and read all about chemical reasons for depression.

To add to the mix, throw in high cholesterol, premature ventricular contractions, bone lesions, a thyroid nodule, arthritis in several joints, thoracic spondylosis and being a glaucoma suspect.  If I let myself dwell on all of this, it would be easy to have a non-stop pity party.  Instead, I have chosen to work with a trainer for two solid workouts each week, walk more and watch what I eat, at least most of the time.  I dabble in essential oils and aromatherapy as well as some great natural supplements that keep me healthy most of the time.  

Five years ago, I finished a half-marathon and a 20K, then went on to get my group exercise certification and lead classes for almost two years.  A friend of mine posted a quote that said: "Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do, not a punishment for what you just ate."    I know that moving and losing weight will keep me healthier for a longer period of time, and it also seems to help stress as well.  

I can be a stronger, healthier person if I continue to move away from the comfort zone of the recliner and emotional eating, and get moving!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

What? Who? Why?


Another blog from another educator?  Do I really think I have something new to say?  Do I really think I'm an expert on anything?  The answer to both of those is a resounding...maybe. I also know that I am a person who needs to reflect to gain the most from my experiences  This blog will be a place for my personal reflections on my work, my home, my health, my spiritual journey, and anything else I need to get off my chest.


I saw a quote once that said 

“I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am ”-T. Cooley

I am done with this.  I want to be me.  This may be the best part of being over 50.  I am a 30 year veteran teacher who still loves to learn, a wife for 29 years who still loves her husband, and a mom of three sons who still marvels that we are all still alive.  I teach PK-3 general music and I'm in charge of the gifted program from our K-12 district.  I have taught in 4 schools in two states, worked with over a dozen administrators, and held positions as band director, choir director, musical director and elementary music teacher, along with gifted facilitator, and various other duties as assigned.  Most days I love what I do, and spend my "free time" trying to figure out how to do it better or learning something new to make me a better person.


As I stated earlier, I am a person who needs to reflect.  My husband says I think too much.  Possibly, I am guilty of overthinking.  This blog will give me a chance to do a brain dump. I can get some of the ideas out of my head so I can focus on more on specific tasks.  I know I am easily distracted, so this will be a coping mechanism.  Also, I just may have something to share that someone else hadn't thought of yet.